A unique insight into custom cake
making in the UK
2817 Responses
302,168 Data Points
48 pages of deep insight
The Great British Cake Survey results are absolutely chock-full of unique, and sometimes eye watering insights into our cake world
It is the most complete picture of UK custom cake makers ever. Run in collaboration with Falmouth University the survey was run between June 14th & 28th. The detailed results of the professional analysis of the data have been compiled in to an easy to read and incredibly informative report.
We hope that you find these results helpful as you look to grow your business.
You can get an overview of some of our findings in our recent blog.
Purchase a copy today
A full copy of the survey cost £250. Click the button to contact us for the full report.
What is in the report?
The Great British Cake Survey Report 2021 is a 48 page A4 electronic document.
This detailed report provides a deep dive into the questions we asked pulling out useful nuggets of information on custom cake makers preferences and habits. It provides detailed breakdowns of the key questions by different types of cake maker. It also gives extensive listings of free text responses where they are available…they are some of the juiciest nuggets.
The full report includes the following:
Demographic information of age, gender, ethnicity, region
Overall cake making statistics
Brand preferences and detailed NPS scoring for Fondant, Colourings and Cake Suppliers. Also includes free text comments from respondents.
Hobbyists: broken out into those who make cakes for free and those who cover costs
Number of cakes per year
Years of experience
Future plans for their hobby
Annual expenditure - Fondant / Colourings / Classes & Events
Purchase frequency
Brand preferences and detailed NPS scoring for Fondant, Colourings and Cake Suppliers.
Businesses: split into part-time and full-time businesses
Number of cakes per year
Years of experience
Business premises
Annual expenditure - Fondant / Colourings / Classes & Events
Services offered
Skills confidence and gaps
Business confidence and the impact of the pandemic
Product innovations due to the pandemic
Future plans of businesses closed due to the pandemic
Brand preferences and detailed NPS scoring for Fondant, Colourings and Cake Suppliers.
Cake communities and networks businesses use
Number of classes
Annual income
Services offered and how they have evolved due to the pandemic
Product innovations due to the pandemic
Business confidence and the impact of the pandemic